Monday, December 3, 2012

For My Joy of Lilly

This one is for the one who saved my soul
The one who saw it, hiding deep in a burning spiritual volcano
She saw me, eyed me and loved me.
Believed in me and turned my head back around, so to face forward the way she asked me to walk.
She held my hand in a way that I realized I had hands that could again create a magic.
She fed me honor, love, humility out of her own heart
And those are today, the warmest dishes I have ever indulged.
I held her tight, warm, soft, safe, embracing the Yes that suggest we are together.
She saw the demons, I was scared. The demons show up when tested
We hurt sometimes, but it was, it is worth it.
She held me beautiful and bounty full of caring and warm minded alike-ness
We dreamed, we dreamed well.
We danced.... oh how we danced,
We giggled, and exploded with laughter.
She has a furry friend
I fell in love twice as a result of this heavenly bond.
And it scared me, commitment, earth shattering love, and admiration
We both never knew how else to be.
We had it all, except we did not know ourselves enough
And still, nothing remains the same
Except how we are, how we always are when the sun is right, and our song plays.
No one is going to love you more then I do.
No will ever know how I feel except me
No words, No touch, No dreams
Can ever replace or suggest the feeling you unfold on this man.
And Thank you for that,
It is in such a feeling of emotion, that I can believe in something greater then myself.

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