Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Eating with the enemy.

Pittsburg. 5am.


Low funds.


Ugh, I said never again.... But it is the only option for me that is in walking distance from the train station. I have two hours until I bust out to Philly. I went from the comfort of Chicago's suburbs and enough finances to support me. Now after having to pay a fee for booking my ticket on the same day, I find myself left with 20 dollars. I sure hope I figure something out in Philly quickly! I am also struggling to land a couch to stay on. This could be interesting. I am excited at the prospect of survival, but it is quite the opposite experience that my first stop was.

Well.... game on. Head up. Heart open..... breath.

It is never that bad. And when all else fails during the waking hours of folks.... just bust out my typewriter "Jolene" and see what happens. It beats begging.

Poetry is my currency.
I make the transaction from my heart.

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