Sunday, September 2, 2012

I should of hit the switch.

expecting valleys, ending up with peaks.... the view is so much better, and I got there with little effort.

Chicago...  I know in writing I asked you to be nice to me... but you are honestly a bit too giving.

Congress theater mystery tour.

All access rockstar set included.

Tea of green, meaning more sweat after runs ran into neighborhoods full of castles with an address that begs ends to understand how it could be so fabulous to hold property in neighborhoods with weeping trees that are truly miles from a sea.... not a lake.

Ghost and Riders.... Doctors who have to Pee. Stickers that say ALL..... perhaps a vacation indeed. Awaken are we... some low rider shit. Hitting levels with unspoken spells sell well to the honorable subjective hell that we well deserve.....  And again I end up in the burbs....
loving how simple it is.....  diving into dire straight verbs.

Magic is real. Situations I own as boss. Floss your social teeth, and be raw at all cost....

Chicago... what now?  

I can only see of lighter things. No love for your meditation.... fade away.


  1. We hate to see you go, you had a nice flow, thanks for blowing some wind in the great Windy City of Chicago ha:-p

    Yves Lynem, Amazing Journey's to you!

  2. What a wonderful moment in our ChIcagoCity Holiday The Poem , a poem for Chicago, Standing here in The Netherlands on the shelf , we love you. Jan&Elsch
